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TCAN4550-Q1: Question for CANSLNT

Genius 16105 points
Part Number: TCAN4550-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCAN4550


My customer has a question for CANSLNT bit .
They are evaluating TCAN4550-Q1 and they could see TCAN4550 periodically sends 0xA0 in Reg0820[7:0] frame which means CLOBALERR and CANERR are "1".
They investigated mode detail and found CANSLNT is set to "1" in this case.
The CANFD communication itself looks like working well.  
Then they wonder if this CANSLNT = 1 means a significant error.
Is "CANSLNT=1" noraml behaviour?


  • Hi Oba,

    The CANSLNT flag is used by this device to determine if the CAN bus is idle for the purpose of power saving. If this flag remains set for t > tINACTIVE (~4 minutes), the device will automatically move to Sleep mode. This is primarily used if the device wakes up but does not see any CAN traffic. It allows the node to return to a low power state instead of sitting active on an otherwise inactive bus. The inactive timer can be disabled using the SWE_DIS field. 

    This interrupt can be disabled using the corresponding interrupt enable field if not used So its status is not reflected in the interrupt lines.

    Let me know if you have any more questions. 

    Eric Schott