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AM26C31: Compare Current Consumption between AM26C31 and AM26LS31, AM26C32 and AM26LS32

Part Number: AM26C31
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM26LS31, AM26C32,

Dear Specialists,

My customer is considering AM26C31, AM26C32, AM26LS31 and AM26LS32.

They has a question about current consumption.

I would be grateful if you could advise.


I'd like to compare current consumption in the conditions of 5V power supply and 8Mbps.

Is there any material that can compare the current consumption of AM26C31 and AM26LS31, AM26C32 and AM26LS32?


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi,

    Due to the age of the devices the only information we have is provided in the datasheet - its going to be system dependent due to layout adding to the total loading seen by the IC itself - I gave a brief explainer on how to do that in the other thread I responded to you in located here:

    For a quick estimation of power dissipation please see below:

    For 8Mbps assuming DDR - so base frequency is assumed to be 4MHz - if the base frequency is meant to be 8MHz make sure to double the results of the estimations below. 

    PD_Sw = Cpd * VCC^2 * f

    AM26C31: PD = 170pF * (5V)^2 * 4MHz = 17mW  - so in addition to the calculated drive and quiescent current has an additional 17mW of power due to switching loss.

    AM26LS31: No switching loss data

    AM26C32 and AM26LS32: No switching loss data. 

    The supply current is going to be very dependent on system and we don't have data  for switching losses besides the Cpd value in the AM26C31 datasheet.

    Please let me know if you had any other questions and  I will see what I can do!


    Parker Dodson

  • Hi Parker,

    Thank you for your reply and explanation.

    I could understand there is no data current comparing consumption.

    I'll share your suggestion with the customer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,
