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TPD6S300A: USB Type C corrosion protection

Part Number: TPD6S300A

Hey Interface team,

I have a customer evaluating the TPD6S300A for a new design and we are curious to better understand what approach to salt and tap water corrosion prevention this product has as compared to a device like the NXP NX20P0477. With the NXP CC Smart Protection device, you will see in the device datasheet in Section 7.3 that it monitors the RC time constant of the CC lines to detect the presence of water and shut the CC lines off to avoid long term corrosion damage from the high impedance path off the C pin pullups to GND.

Does the TPD6S300A, or any other device in the TI Port Protection IC portfolio, offer the same or similar level of protection from this specific scenario? 

Best regards,

Matt Calvo