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TVP5150: Application issues of chips

Part Number: TVP5150
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5151

We encountered a problem while debugging TVP5150 and need to consult with you. The problem is as follows:

1. When using the DVP interface of BK7256 to drive TVP5150am, it was found that there would be a slip chart phenomenon. The timing of TVP5150 was found to be abnormal during measurement, as shown in the figure;

2. In addition, when operating TVP5150 through IIC, there may be a phenomenon where the ID data is read as a random value. Normally, a fixed value should be read;

  • Hi Tony,

    I am sorry, we no longer offer any support for this device (TVP5150/TVP5151) on the E2E forum. You may search the E2E forum for archived posts of previous discussions which may help address your questions. I'd suggest you to try out other boards and see if you can repeat the same problem. If this is happening to one board but not other boards then it suggests the software is fine but a hardware level issue. But if you can repeat the same problem on all the boards then it is possible that the software (perhaps some configuration) is incorrect or the hardware (perhaps board level issue).  Sorry for lack of guidance.