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TLK10232: Need Recommended PCB footprint

Part Number: TLK10232

I am using the TLK10232 in one of our designs. The TI website has Mentor Graphics decals for the device. Unfortunately, they do not import into my version of Mentor Graphics VX.2.8 with integrated library. What I need is a drawing of the PCB footprint with the recommended pad sizes and solder mask openings. Please provide this or provide a pointer to where I can find it.

Thank you,

Mike Nycz

  • OK.. Was able to play around and import the decal into PADS Layout. The pad size shown in the decal is 0.7mm diameter, Can someone please confirm this as correct? The reason I ask is that by board house says that typically the pad size should be around 80% the solder ball size. The solder ball size in this case is 0.6mm (nominally). That would make the pad size 0.48mm. Significantly different from 0.7mm in the decal downloaded from TI website. Can someone please confirm which pad size is correct for this part?

    Thank you,

    Mike Nycz

  • Hi Mike,

    I am looking into this. I can DM you our EVM file in order to help address this.

