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TUSB216I: Post-channel cable length

Part Number: TUSB216I
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB216, TUSB217A

Hi team,

Customer is evaluating using TUSB216 in their project. They would like to support 2m pre-post cable and 5m post-channel cable.

In datasheet, we see there are test shows TUSB216 could support 5m pre-channel length. However, the data shows we support 4m post-channel cable length, not 5m. Could you help check if TUSB216 could support 5m post-channel cable length?

Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hi Will,

    Those measurements spec'd in the datasheet are only using boost 1, while Boost 2 and Boost 3 are still available. If you wanted, you could use boost 2 to go farther, however, at the 5m mark and beyond, we recommend having a redriver on each end of the cable, to ensure the signal is still viable when it reaches its destination. This table from the TUSB217A Datasheet has some more info on pre/post channel length recommendations.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

