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TLIN1022A-Q1: Compatibility issues

Part Number: TLIN1022A-Q1

Hello friends,

We are promoting our LIN device, but our customer concern about the software compatibility issues compare to NXP LIN device, for example, is TLIN1042A compatible to TJA1042 in software level, same to other similar device.

Thank you.

Best regards.

  • Hi Daniel,

    Most of TI transceiver devices that share the last 4 numbers as an NXP device will be pin-to-pin compatible. When the device is pin controlled (EN, nSTB, etc.) then they will be controlled in the same way as the NXP device as well. This makes all of the controls software compatible with each other. The only difference that the software will see is slightly different timing characteristics (will not impact most systems) and possibly some different edge case fault behavior. We have had many customers use to same software to drive both TI and NXP transceivers. 

    Let me know if you have any more questions. 

    Eric Schott 

  • Hello Eric,

    Thanks for your support.