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DS90UB953-Q1: How to generate the max bus load using the DS90UB953 pattern generator

Part Number: DS90UB953-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB954-Q1, ALP

Hi Ti experts,

We're developing a test application to generate a maximum busload on DS90UB954-Q1:

This test app checks whether DS90UB954-Q1 can run with the maximum busload.

I use the camera with: sensor is IMX490, serializer is DS90UB953

So I want to config register for the DS90UB953 pattern generator to generate the max busload to DS90UB954.

Could you provide the set of configuration of registers to the DS90UB953 pattern generator can generate the max busload to DS90UB954

Thank you very much in advance!

  • And how to calculate the bus load ( how many Gbps) generated by the DS90UB953 pattern generator from the set of configuration of registers?

  • Hi Dinh,

    Thanks for reaching out with this question. In this case, are you referring to running with the max possible CSI-2 data rate which can be carried over the FPD-Link? This would also depend on the oscillator used on the deserializer (option for 23-26MHz reference clock).

    Additionally, on the deserializer UB954 there are two FPD-RX ports. Would you like to run both of these at one time?



  • Hi Thomas,

    Additionally, on the deserializer UB954 there are two FPD-RX ports. Would you like to run both of these at one time?

    =>>> yes, I want  to run both of these at one time because of my system: 2 UB953s are connected to 1 UB954

    In this case, are you referring to running with the max possible CSI-2 data rate which can be carried over the FPD-Link

    I see in section 7.6 of the DS90UB953 datasheet: that the DS90UB953  pattern generator has the ability to generate test patterns that can be sent to the DS90UB954 as if the video data was received from an imager/sensor.
    I want your help to config this pattern generator and how to to calculate the bus load ( how many Gbps) generated by the DS90UB953 pattern generator

    Thank you!

  • Hi Dinh,

    The CSI-2 payload generated by the UB953 pattern generator will depend on the configuration of the patgen registers on the UB953. In the UB953 ALP profile there is a tab for the pattern generator where you can see these options.

    To translate this into the data throughput, the attached excel sheet calculator can be used.

    6404.TI Imager-Serializer Data Rate Calculator v2.1 -- Non-NDA.xlsx

    One other comment here, the UB954 has one CSI-2 output port which can run at up to 1.6Gbps / lane for a total throughput of 6.4Gbps. In this case we would want to use a maximum of 3.2Gbps on each FPD port. It's important to consider both the FPD bandwidth and CSI TX bandwidth here.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply,
    I have a more question: how to measure the bus load I already configured on UB953? Physical equipment or software or statistic register?

    Thank you!

  • Hi Dinh,

    The data rate calculator can be a helpful method to calculate the CSI bandwidth utilized in the current setup. For this you will need the FPS, line length, line count, and data type.

