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TIC12400EVM-KIT: TIC12400EVM some issue

Part Number: TIC12400EVM-KIT
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIC12400-Q1, TIC12400

Hi, Support Team

We use TIC12400EVM have two question:

Below have two chart, we do not fine tune the switch, but read value is different?

and other mode, we also do not fine tune the switch, but read value is change?

is Tool setting issue?

if any suggestion, Please advise me.


Best regards,


  • Hi Lawrence,

    Can you please share with me the register configuration?  In the File menu at the top left corner of the GUI there is an option to save the registers to a JSON file that you could share with me to load into my EVM.  You could also type out all of the register address and values for the registers in a list for me to review.

    Also, I assume you are using the supplied switch board that comes with the EVM.  Is that correct?  If so what are the position of the switches?



  • position of the switches


    JSON data

  • Jerry,

    Jonathan is out until Tuesday next week, so please allow us some time to digest and get back to you by Wednesday, 1/17. 


    Eric Hackett 

  • Hi Jerry,

    I've noticed some problems with the register values in the JSON data.  Many of the values seem incorrect and have Reserved bits set that should always have a '0' value.  Even the Device ID register is incorrect and should always have a value of 0x20, but the value in your JSON file is 0x515656.

    Can you verify your EVM is "connected" by looking at the bottom left corner of the GUI?  Is should say Connected and have a green circle.

    Can you also read all the registers after writing them to make sure they are set to your correct value bases on what value you are trying to write to them?  Could you then also save the registers to a JSON and verify the JSON values match those in the GUI?

    If this all seems to match, you can try to send me the file again by simply inserting the file to your response by using the Insert-Image/video/file option.

    If there is an issue sharing the register configuration through a JSON file, you could also simply send me a list of the register address and values for me to manually load into my EVM.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi Jonathan,

    I have reconfirmed that the connection ICON on the EVM is green, and I have regenerated the JSON file as attached (a preliminary comparison shows that it matches the values displayed on the UI).Please assist in verifying this.

    Additionally, I would like to inquire about the operating procedures for the Tool. Is there a simple video or pictorial guide available? For example, if I want to read the current status values of IN0 or IN1 after reopening the Tool, what steps do I need to follow?

    Sorry, I still can't upload JSON file to here.


  • Hi Jerry,

    Is this JSON data from the same EVM you used previously?  If so, there may be an issue with that EVM, or your SPI connection.  By just looking at the Device_ID value, you have provided two different values between your two JSON files and they are both incorrect.  The correct value should be 0x20, and your two values are 0x515656 and 0x800000.

    Other register values are incorrect with reserved bits that are always read as "0" are set to "1".

    Can you manually write the registers and then read them back to verify every register is set with your desired value?  By default, most registers should contain a 0x000000 value before configuration.



  • Hi, Jonathan

    here is client share .JSON file

    our client recording operate GUI tool, have any concern?

    if any suggestion, Please advise me.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Lawrence,

    There appears to be something wrong with the device or board.  The video shows that reading the DEVICE_ID register multiple times returns different values, all of which are incorrect.  This register is a read only register that should always return the same value of 0x20.

    What are the EVM's jumper settings?  There are some jumpers on the bottom side of the board that may not have the correct shunt configuration that could be preventing SPI communication between the MCU and the TIC12400-Q1.

    In particular, there is a level shifter that has a jumper (J6) on the Output Enable Pin and I'm wondering if this level shifter has been disabled which is why the SPI register reads are incorrect.

    Schematic and configuration information can be found in the TIC12400 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Link).



  • Hi, Jonathan

    our client try to placing the jumper between pins 1 and 2, but we find the read register can not change value. 

    TIC12400 EVM:

    catch piccture and dump JSON.file as below:

    if any concern, Please advise me.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Lawrence,

    Again I'll ask hat are ALL of the EVM's jumper settings?  There are some jumpers on the bottom side of the board that may not have the correct shunt configuration that could be preventing SPI communication between the MCU and the TIC12400-Q1.

    Can you provide a picture of both the top and bottom sides of their board?



  • Hi, Jonathan

    our client share Top and Bottom as below chart:

    Top picture:

    Bottom picture:

    if any concern, Please advise me.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Lawrence,

    I have a difference location for the shunt on J6 that what is shown on the customer's board.  All the other shunts on their board match mine.  However, when I try to read/write registers with the customer's J6 configuration, I am unable to do so.  Therefore, can you ask them to move the shunt on J6 to the other option so that pins 2-3 are shorted together?

    Have they made any modifications to the component values such as changing resistor or capacitor values?  If not, then hopefully moving the shunt on J6 resolves the issue.



  • Hi, Jonathan

    1.In previous tests, J6 has always been positioned at pins 2-3 until we received your response on January 29th, prompting us to try switching to pins 1- 2.Based on our current testing results, neither J6 setting allows us to complete the test correctly.

    2.We have not made any changes to the component values on our side. Are there any other possible settings or adjustments that we can try, apart from the J6 jumper?


    Best regards,


  • Hi Jerry,

    Can you use a scope to verify there are SPI signals reaching the TIC12400's pins, and that that the voltage levels on all the other supply, filter, and reset pins are at the correct levels?  (VS, VDD, CAP_PRE, CAP_D, CAP_A, and RESET) If so, what are the voltage levels of these pins?  Can you also measure how much current is being used by the board?

    Can you also visually inspect the board for any physical issues such as solder joints that are cracked or unsoldered, etc.?

    If the voltage levels are correct, and SPI signals are reaching the device but the register read/write values are still incorrect, then unfortunately there are no other suggestions I can make besides replacing the board with a new one.

