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CC2564MODNEM: Need Support on MSPM0G3507 with CC2564MODNEM connection establishment

Part Number: CC2564MODNEM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507, , CC2564

Hello Together,

Recently I asked two questions in the forum and understood that the MSPM0G3507 Board doesn't have ready SDK support for connecting with the CC2564MODNEM BLE board and we have to start writing the porting code. So. I have asked for the porting documentation and received it from the forum. From this information, I understood that MSPM0G3507 will talk to the CC2564MODNEM board via UART with CTS, RTS protocol, and HCI commands. When we request the HCI command to CC2564 via UART (RTS, CTS) We will be able to communicate and control the CC2564 Board. ( PLEASE CORRECT ME IF THIS UNDERSTANDING IS WRONG

I have connected the boards as attached in the image.

MSPM0G3507 with CC2564

Here are the questions to proceed further,

1. How to identify which UART port is connected to CC2564MODNEM? There are 4 UART pins in Evaluation Board MSPM0G3507. Don't know what PIN configuration of this board among 64,48,32 table

2. If identified, how to initiate the UART communication between them? 

I am beginner here. Please let me know with your answers/suggestions.

REASON FOR CHOOSING MSPM0G3507: It has ADC and DAC. it would be useful for developing audio applications A2DP. HFP

Thanks in Advance

  • Hi,

    I dont understand your first question, but if your asking what pins on the M0 need to be UART for the M0  to go work with the adapter board. I would look at the msp432 examples. Here are the pins that were configured for UART. 

    This is found in the HRDWCFG.H file that you will need to port over for the MSP0

    You will also need to port all the driver code if it has changed between MSP432 and MSP0 (it probably has) in the HAL.c files. This file is the adaptation layer that controls the uart communication 

