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DP83822IF: specific length requirements for SMI communication and RMII communication

Part Number: DP83822IF

Hi team,

The manual for DP83822IF mentions the equal length requirements for layout:

What are the specific length requirements for SMI communication and RMII communication? How much can't the difference be? please reply as soon as possible, thanks!

Best regards


  • Hi Lillian,

    Total RMII/SMI trace length should be less than 6 inches.

    RMII trace length matching will depend on speed:

    For 1G, match RMII traces within 50mils.

    For 10/100M, match RMII traces within 100mils.

    Please refer to this layout checklist for more information:


    SMI traces are slightly less strict, matching MDC/MDIO within 100mils is acceptable.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Evan,

    Thanks very much for your reply!

    In the checklist you provided I found for MDI traces:

    Total Length recommend to be < 3 inches from PHY to magnetic

    While in the datasheet for RMII traces:

    Keep trace lengths as short as possible, less than two inches is recommended and less than six inches maximum


    As our Mac is on CPU board and PHY with magnetics is on COM board, I cannot satisfy the two requirements simultaneously. Which one is of higher priority for my condition?

    Thanks very much and looking forward to your reply!


  • Hi Lillian,

    I unfortunately cannot comment on this, as we have not validated the behavior for MDI/MAC trace layout violations.

    Thank you,
