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TIC12400-Q1: Inquiry Regarding MCU Wake-Up Process with TIC12400-Q1

Part Number: TIC12400-Q1


Hi, Support Team

We are writing to inquire about the MCU wake-up process using the TIC12400-Q1.We have a specific scenario that we would like to get your expert advice on.

Below is an image of our circuit design. Please note that our design does not fully adhere to the datasheet’s section “Microcontroller Wake-Up.”

Due to the differences in our circuit design, we have several questions:

1.Given our specific circuit design, what is the recommended procedure for handling the MCU wake-up process?
2.We have conducted tests in Polling mode and observed that we can read the voltage changes on each INx pin from the register. However, the /INT pin remains high during this process. Could you help us understand why this might be happening and how we can ensure the /INT pin functions correctly according to our requirements?

Your guidance on these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.

  • Hi Jerry,

    Please verify you have configured the Interrupt Enable Configuration registers (0x24 - 0x28) correctly.  Each Input pin can have it's own interrupt criteria, but you will also need to set the Switch State Change Enable (SSC_EN) bit in the INT_EN_CFG0 register (0x24) to 1 in order for any state change on an Input pin to be reflected on the INT pin.  The SSC_EN bit is essentially a Global enable bit that can be used to enable/disable the interrupt generation for all Input pins without requiring each pin being disabled individually.

