PCA9306: PCA9306 causing the VREF 1 become unstable

Part Number: PCA9306



I have asked this question before regarding Vref1 is not unstable, I did below suggestion but non-working properly:

1. Add pull down resistor of <470K to vref1, however that did not solve the issue Entity. 

2. Decrease Vref2 series resistor which make the condition worse.

Also you can see on datasheet talk about this issue on 8.1.7. suggest to add pull down and capacitor, which I did

Ven =3.3+0.6 = 3.9
Ibia =  (5-3.9)/200k = 0.0000055

Rpul = 3.3/0.0000055 *0.75 = 450K (I have replace C63 to this)

Please let me know what I am doing that cause this issue.
