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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65HVD231, SN65HVD230

Read in the datasheet:

Sleep Mode of the HVD231

The unique difference between the SN65HVD230 and the SN65HVD231 is that both driver and receiver are

switched off in the SN65HVD231 when a logic high is applied to RS (pin 8). The device remains in a very low

power-sleep mode until the circuit is reactivated with a logic low applied to RS (pin 8). While in this sleep mode,

the bus-pins are in a high-impedance state, while the D and R pins default to a logic high.


Are the D and R pins active high ( driven ) or are they passive high ( pull-up, R output tri-stated ) - with other words, can I use the D-net and the R-net for other signals?

