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CAN with RM48x - Wake-up function

Expert 1485 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65381-Q1

 Helping with a design using the TI RM48x family of microcontroller and the TPS65381 Safety PMIC from TI.  There is a CAN wake-up function on teh new PMIC.

On the RM48x dev kit it uses an SN65HVDA541.  However, I do not see a wake-up pin on that transceiver.  Is that part unable to tie into the CAN wake-up function of the TPS65381 or how would something like that tie in?

Is there another CAN xvr chip that includes the wake up function?


  • According to the TPS65381 datasheet "The CANWU pin is edge-sensitive; a minimum 350-μs pulse duration is needed for wake-up. The CANWU wakeup is latched, allowing the MCU to decide when to power down the TPS65381-Q1 through SPI command WR_CAN_STBY."  To use the HVDA541 CAN youw ould need to externally latch the RXD wake up request that is generated by the CAN transceiver on a valid CAN wake up reqeust outlined in the HVDA541 datasheet.  Most of the wake up requests would be too short to meet the 350us duration needed on the TPS65381 as they will be only a few dominant CAN bits long so in the low 10's of us range and the wake up from these is normally edge triggered with a much faster response. 

    I'm checking with the other CAN transceiver teams if they have a CAN transceiver with INH output which is the other way to do this.

    -- Scott

  • Scott,

    Have you heard anything from the other CAN transciever teams?



  • They are roadmap devices. -- Scott