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DS25MB100 floating inputs?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS25MB100


We are only using one input pair on the DS25MB100.  Is it ok to leave the other input floating, or do we need to terminate it.  The datasheet says it has internal terminations, but I wanted to verify that we can leave them floating.  Along the same line, can we leave the unused control lines floating as well?



  • Since all transmission path IN and OUT pins have internal terminations, there is no need to add additional terminations (page 2 datasheet). 

    For the LVCMOS Control functions, again, refer to the datasheet page 3: MUX, EQx, DELx, LBx, RSV all have pull-up or pull-down terminations as described, so no need to add external. 

    Finally, refer to the EVM Schematic snlu072.pdf.  No external terminations have been added. 



    MUX 19   MUX is internally pulled high.

    EQL 11    EQL is internally pulled high.

    EQS 36    EQS is internally pulled high.

    DEL_0   18  DEL_1   27  DEL_0 and DEL_1 are internally pulled high.

    DES_0  10   DES_1   1   DES_0 and DES_1 are internally pulled high.

    LB0 28     LB0 is internally pulled high.

    LB1 26     LB1 is internally pulled high.

    RSV 17    This pin can be left open, or tied to GND, or tied to GND through an external pull-down resistor.