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Ethernet (10Base2) communication fails with DP83843

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83843

Hi All, 

For one of our legacy tools, we are using 10Base2 networks based on coaxial. For a recent development, we are trying to evaluate DP83843 chip. We have configured the AUI interface of this chip and are using a coaxial transceiver to drive the coaxial bus. 

The communication is fluid normally, but breaks down after certain amount of time. The TX portion of the chip works relaying messages from TXD[n] to AUITD+/- but the receiving portion stops working. Data seen on AUIRD+/- is not relayed to RXD[n]. Even we don't see RX_CLK when it stops working. 

The break is difficult to reproduce as it happens at random times. Once it breaks the only solution to get it up is a power cycle. 

We read about the BAD_SSD Event Lockup but is not applicable to us as we are using 10Base2 (AUI). 

Would appreciate if anyone can help. 



  • AQ,

    Could you provide some additional details on this? Have you seen this on one board, multiple boards, all boards?

    In addition to power cycling the board, what have you tried to recover the functionality when this occurs? Have you tried applying a hardware reset or a software reset? Have you tried resetting just the coaxial transceiver or power cycling just the coaxial transceiver?

    Are there any other common characteristics of the network when this occurs? What level of packet traffic is on the cable?
