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Part Number: TLK10031
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLK10232


My customer have some questions about TLK10031.


Please tell me the use of CLKOUTAP/N.

Is this assume a use of a trigger to capture the serialized data ?


They want to use it as an optical fiber ethernet phy link.

In this case, do REFCLK0P/N and REFCLK1P/N have to synchronize in CLKOUTAP/N ?

I think the answer is No.

They are confused by Figure 10-5 (An External Clock Jitter Cleaner Connection Example for Channel A) in the D/S.

I think this is just a option.

Is my understanding correct ?


Please tell me the termination method of the unused REFCLK1P/N.

It is described in the D/S as follws.

This input signal must be AC coupled. If unused, REFCLK1P/N should be pulled down to GND through a shared 100 Ω resistor.

Which is this meaning, following A or B ?


Do you have an IBIS-AMI model ?

Best Regards,

Hiroshi Katsunaga

  • Hi Hiroshi,

    A1. CLKOUT can be used to provide clocking to ICs that need a clock where there is not one available. This clock output can also be used in implementing synchronous system operation where this feature is important.

    A2. Your assessment is right, the Figure "External Clock Jitter Cleaner Connection Example for Channel A" is just an example, as I mentioned the CLKOUT signal is used to provide clocking to external ICs.

    A3. The correct way to connect the unused REFCLK signal is option A, connect REFCLKP/N to GND through a shared resistor.

    A4. Could you send me an e-mail to send you the model, please?

    Luis Omar Moran
    High Speed Interface
    SWAT Team
  • Hi Omar,

    Thank you for your very fast response.
    OK, I understood your all comments.

    I will send you an e-mail.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best Regards,
    Hiroshi Katsunaga
  • Hello Hiroshi,

    I had issues to send you an e-mail.

    Attached you will find the IBIS-AMI model for TLK10232 (Dual Channel version), basically the TLK10031 was leveraged in the dual channel version, so, you could use only the Channel A of this model, the reason is because the TLK10031 is a new device and there is not a “direct” model for now. Please let me verify with the team when we could get the TLK10031 model. I hope this helps.

    Password: “TLK10232”


    Luis Omar Moran

    SWAT Team

  • Hi Omar,

    Thank you for giving me the Model and I'm sorry for our e-mail issue.
    I will share it my customer.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best Regards,
    Hiroshi Katsunaga