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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB1002EVM

art Number: TUSB1002EVM

Cannot see USB 3.0 bandwidth speed after the re-driver.

Hello, my setup is:

Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1.5 m)--------->TUSB1002EVMRe-driver------------> (USB A to USB MicroB cable 1.5 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA

I've tried USB 3.0

I've also tried different jumpers configuration for the EQ and Config

I almost tried (J1, J2, J3, J4) in 256 different jumper configuration with keeping jumper setting constant for CFG1=R & CFG2=0. Refer Fig-0


But the behaviour is always the same: I can’t get transfer rates over 48 MB/s. Check reference image Fig-1 & If I connect without repeater with 1.5meter & 3meter usb3.0 cable getting required bandwidth speed check reference image Fig-2.

Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1.5 m)--------->TUSB1002EVMRe-driver------------> (USB A to USB MicroB cable 1.5 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA

Host PC ------>(USB A to USB MicroB cable 3 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA


Note that with USB 3.0 windows advises that the device can be connected to SS port.( it is already connected to SS port)

So I'm out of ideas to figure out how to see a device behind this re-driver working successfully at 3.0 Mode.

Thanks in advance for the answers.