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SN55HVD251 and SN65HVD231 -- ISO11898

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN55HVD251, SN65HVD231, SN65HVD1040

Good afternoon everybody,

We are having some issues with these devices datasheet (SN55HVD251 and SN65HVD231). It is written on them that they are IS011898 compliant. My question is, They are compliant to the entire 'family' of ISO11898 (-2,-3,-5)? We need a ISO11898-3 compliant CAN transceiver.

Thanks for your help.

  • Hello Andre,

    The HVD251 and HVD231 are compliant to the original ISO 11898 (1993) and ISO 11898-2 (High Speed medium access unit = HS CAN transceiver).  Part 5 (-5) is an extension of part 2 for low power modes.  Part 3 (-3) is an imcompatible physical layer known as "Low Speed Fault Tolerant Medium dependent intefrace).  These low speed fault tollerant CAN transceivers are not compatible with high speed CAN transceivers as the differential specs are completely different. 

    When CAN was started there was originally one ISO standard for CAN:  ISO 11898.  This was back in 1993.  As CAN evolved and the concept of a low speed fault tolerant physical layer was introduced the CAN standards were re-written into 2 parts originally, with others following up through part 5.  A summary of the parts of ISO 11898 are:

     Part 1: Data link layer and physical signaling (in the uP, MCU or DSP)

    Part 2:  High speed medium access  (HS CAN Transciever:  SN65HVD25x, SN65HVD23x, HVD10x0 .....)

    Part 3: Low-speed, fault-tolerant, medium-dependent interface 

    Part 4: Time-triggered communication (would be in the uP, MCU or DSP)
    Part 5:  High speed medium access unit with low power mode (HS CAN Transceiver: SN65HVD1040 ......)