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TPS2069D: TPS2069D

Part Number: TPS2069D

Hi, I am contemplating using the TPS2069D in a USB battery charger circuit. The input is standard +5V DC and I intend to charge 3 NiMh cells at around 400mA using a linear constant current charger. The TPS2069D is used to isolate the battery from the charging circuit when the USB power supply is disconnected and so prevent the battery discharging into the charger. I cannot use a diode to prevent back feeding of current as there is not enough voltage available for the diode drop. My question is: If the input to the TPS2069D is close to 0V (i.e. USB disconnected) and the output is at about 4V (i.e. connected to the battery) will significant current flow back into the TPS2069D from the battery and so discharge it? I am assuming the TPS2069D is disabled.

Thank you.
