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TPIC71004-Q1: Squib-driver SPI communications Issues.

Part Number: TPIC71004-Q1


I'm using the Quad-Channel Driver for Airbag Deployment TPIC71004-Q1 squib-driver.

As shown in the figure attached to this message, I can write to and read from the status register via SPI.

I managed to change the device mode from IM0 to IM1 to start the configuration of the registers: DAC, ZCNTx, TOCNTx, ....etc.

I was able to write to and read from STAT and DAC without problems.

However I can NOT write to the registers ZCNTx and TOCNTx. I can only read from them and I usually read the default values stored in them.

The attached figures consists of 5 SPI frames of 16 bits.

In the first frame, the contents of the STAT register is read. As can be seen in the attached figure, the STAT register has a value of 0x00 as expected.

In the second frame, the device mode is changed from IM0 to IM1 via writing to the QRS bits of the STAT register.

In the third frame, the contents of the STAT register is read again to confirm the previous writing process. As can be seen the STAT register now has a value of 0x40 as expected.

In the fourth frame, a trial is done to write the value of 0x04 to the ZCNT0 register.

In the fifth frame, the contents of the ZCNT0 register are read to verify the previous writing process. As can be seen in the attached photo, the default value of 0x0A is read. 

This means that the previous writing process was not done sucessfully.

I am waiting for your replys, comments or suggestions.