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Could you please clarify the RPBS Generator Configuration in SigCon Architect gui ?
This section seems to incorporate controls over other sections of the signal path not just RPBS Generator ?
Can you also clarify function of the check box "Loopback Input A" and check box " Loopback Input B " in this section ?
this two exist in both channels and therefore making the issue of "loopback" more confusing.
From the block diagram of the device can be concluded that output of the "loopback OUT" MUX can be selected to come from RAW or Retimed data
but it is not clear how to make the selection which one will be used ?
From the block diagram can be concluded that there is no way to feed the signal from the PRBS Generator back to the device however selecting " Free VCO Running? " checkbox while PPBS Generator is selected as a source of Output Signal makes "Signal Detected" box turn GREEN indicating that the signal from RPBS Generator is received in its own channel ?
This does not add-up.
Please elaborate.
Thank you.
Andrzej Hadas
0523.DS125DF111 PRBS Gen OUTA.cfgHi Andrzej,
For PRBS generation, I highly suggest using low level register tab and setting registers as noted in table 19 or table 20 of the data sheet. PRBS generation functionality is limited to table 19 and 20. This is the only way I've been able to get the PRBS generator to work. To save you some times, I have captured register settings for VCO free running mode and attached a copy to this E2E thread. Please note in VCO free running mode, frequency is not exact and it may change from part to part. Table 19 is a better way to get a stable output clock.