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HD3SS3202: Difference between HD3SS3202 and HD3SS3212

Part Number: HD3SS3202
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS3212,

Dear *,

please can you tell me what is the main difference between HD3SS3202 and HD3SS3212?

Regarding the parameters

HD3SS3202 VS HD3SS3212

Cross-talk @5GHz: -41dB > -32dB -> -41dB is better?

Off Isolation @5GHz : -20dB > -19dB -> -20dB is better?

Insertion Loss @5GHz : -2.4dB  > -1.6dB -> -1.6dB is better?

Return Loss @5GHz : -8dB <  -12dB -> -8dB is better? 



  • main difference is ac performance, the lower the better, like -41db is better than -32db.
    they are not pin to pin match
  • Dear Brian,

    so HD3SS3202 has better Cross-talk, Off Isolation and Insertion Loss, and HD3SS3212 has better Return Loss ?

  • yes if datasheet is correct
  • Hi Brian,

    i come across this post:

    And the Answer A2 says:"
    A2. The biggest value for insertion loss is best performance, I mean, -0.8dB > -1.2dB, in this case the transferred power is better when RL = -0.8dB. As you know when the frequency increases the transfer function is worse.

    My interpretation, it says that IL-0.8dB is better than -1.2dB,

    and you said Insertion Loss @5GHz : -2.4dB > -1.6dB -> that the -2.4dB is better


    Please can you explain if it is no problem, all the parameters and and example number what is better?

    Cross-talk @5GHz: -41dB > -32dB -> -41dB is better?

    Off Isolation @5GHz : -20dB > -19dB -> -20dB is better?

    Insertion Loss @5GHz : -2.4dB > -1.6dB -> -1.6dB is better?

    Return Loss @5GHz : -8dB < -12dB -> -8dB is better?

    Best Regards,
  • Cross-talk @5GHz: -41dB > -32dB -> -41dB is better?

    Off Isolation @5GHz : -20dB > -19dB -> -20dB is better?

    Insertion Loss @5GHz : -2.4dB > -1.6dB -> -1.6dB is better?

    Return Loss @5GHz : -8dB < -12dB -> -12dB is better?