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SN65240: About Typical Application Schematic

Part Number: SN65240


Could you tell me about typical application schematic?
27ohm and 15kohm are inserted in the recommended circuit of the data sheet.

1.Should I install this resistor?
  And Could you tell me the purpose of the resistor installation?

2.Is there a calculation method for resistors?

Best Regards,

  • Thanks for the question. The resistors are not part of the requirement for the ESD protection but are shown as an example of termination for a USB implementation.

    The termination scheme used is dependent on your system and our ESD protection can fit into various other schemes without the resistors. Although like Cameron mentioned they help with the current clamping and current steering

    Other devices to consider for USB 2.0 are TPD2E2U06, TPD4E1U06