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DS110DF410: Does DS110DF410 support 11.34375Gbps? And how to set the 0x2F register?

Part Number: DS110DF410
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS125DF410


1. Does DS110DF410 support 11.34375Gbps? The datasheet describe the data rate range is from 8.5 to 11.3 Gbps.

2. If DS110DF410 could support 11.34375Gbps, how to set the 0x2F register as the application need VCO and data rate both 11.34375Gbps? 

From datasheet, the register configuration procedure is as follow:

    1. Select the desired channel of the DS110DF410 by writing the appropriate value to register 0xff.
    2. Set bits 5:4 of register 0x36 to a value of 2'b11 as described above to enable the 25 MHz reference clock.
    3. Write registers 0x2f, and 0x36 with the correct values.
    4. Compute the expected PPM count values for Group 0 and Group 1 as described above.
    5. Write the expected PPM count values into registers 0x60-0x63 as described above, setting bit 7 of both registers 0x61 and 0x63.
    6. Set the value 0xff into register 0x64 for an approximate PPM count tolerance of 1100-1400 PPM.
    7. Reset the retimer CDR by setting and then clearing bits 3:2 of register 0x0a. 

3. If  DS110DF410 don't support 11.34375Gbps, can DS125DF410 replace it directly without any hardware change? For register configuration, does there any special procedure need to be taken into consideration?

Thanks & Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    See my responses below:

    1. No, unfortunately we don't guaranteed support of 11.34375Gbps with DS110DF410
    2. NA for DS110DF410 as it relates to 11.34375gbps configuration (see response to item 1). This procedure does apply for setting DS125DF410 for 11.34375Gbps retimed operation
    3. Yes, the DS125DF410 may be used instead.
      • The DS125DF410 and DS110DF410 are fully pin-to-pin and footprint compatible, and they also share the same design.
      • The DS125DF410 and DS110DF410 also share the same exact register map, so the configurations are the same


    Rodrigo Natal

  • Hi Rodrigo,

    Thanks for your reply. 

    1. Does DS110DF410 support 10.9375Gbps or 11.3Gbps for Data Rate? And what's the value for 0X2F?

    2.There are differences between  DS125DF410 and DS110DF410 for Ethernet Standard in  datasheet "Table 2.standard-based modes register settings'' .

    For  DS125DF410, register value (hex) of 0x2F is 0xF6; 

    For DS110DF410, register value (hex) of 0x2F is 0x06;

    does there any structure difference cause the different settings between the two parts? 

    3. To achieve 11.34375Gbps or 12.5Gbps for Data Rate, what's the correct value for  DS125DF410  0X2F?

    Many thanks in advance.


    1. DS110DF410 can CDR lock to both 10.9375G and 11.3Gbps. As there is no standard mode option available for these rates the host should instead program the retimer channel for these rates via channel registers 0x60 thru 0x64. The SigCon Architect GUI CDR tab may be used to calculate the required values for a given data rate, after enabling the manual mode option
    2. Either 0x06 or 0xF6 on 0x2F may be used to set DS125DF410 to Ethernet mode. Both settings work
    3. Similar to 1, please use the GUI manual mode to calculate the required values for channel registers 0x60 thru 0x64 for these data rates


    Rodrigo Natal