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DS25BR204: Multiplexing / Repeating FDP-Link III

Part Number: DS25BR204
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUX136


i have 2 devices and a FDP-Link III beteween them.
The devices are using the DS90UB925Q and DS90UB926Q for serialize and deserialize the display information.

For testing purposes i need a solution to display the signal from the DS90UB925Q on several devices at a testbench.

If i understand the manual of the DS25BR204 correct it should be possible to mux the signal from one receiving device to the other.
Is my assumtion correct?

Is there a other chip that fulfills my requirements?

Would be great to see the display at all receiving devices at the same time but if only Multiplexes works it will be also fine.

Kind regards
Daniel Hartung

  • Hi Daniel,

    I don't believe this would work since FPD-Link III devices have a continuous, bi-directional channel. The DS25BR204 is unidirectional so it wouldn't be compatible, and I'm not aware of any other muxes/repeaters that are bi-directional.

    I will go ahead and move this thread to the FPD-Link section in case they have any suggestions for this application.



  • Hello Daniel,

    I.K. is correct. The switch needs to be bidirectional to work with FPD-Link. Something like TMUX136 would be suitable for muxing the link between 925 and 926 because it is bidirectional and has high bandwidth. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Casey,

    thx for the feedback.

    So if i want to test one device after the other i can build a muxing device using the TMUX136. In
    that case i can only control/test one device at the time.

    If a build a repeater using the 925 and 926 i can control/test all devices at the same time but i
    must configure the chips(925 and 926).

    When building a repeater what should i do in the shematic with the pins like "lock", "pass" on the 926 or
    "PDB" on the 925?
    The datasheet tells me nothing about them. Will they be deactivated when i choose the mode "Repeater"?

    Thanks and kind regards

  • Daniel,

    PDB is the enable signal to these devices. Both 925 and 926 datasheets describe what to do in detail with these pins as well as LOCK/PASS so I'm not sure why you are saying there is no information. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Casey,

    thanks for all the help.

    I meant what should be done with the LOCK/PASS in the term of using the devices at the repeater mode.
    PDB will be set to high to enable the chips.
    LOCK and PASS are Status bits so i left them floating.

    I hope make the correct layout and ordered the Hardware today.

    Again thx helping and have a nice day
