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SN65HVD234: Air pressure / elevation sensitivity specification for device

Part Number: SN65HVD234

Dear TI Team,

my customer would like to use SN65HVD234D in a medical application and would need some information about the Environmental Air Pressure and Elevation the device can be used.

Can you please provide us this information or point us to the right documents?

Thansk and best regards,


  • Josef,

    I'm working with the quality team to see if we have anything available, are there specific standards the customer is referecing? And what kind of medical application is this?


  • Hi Eric,

    thanks for looking into this.

    Requirement is to have the equipment operating in a barometric pressure range of: 800...1060hPa.

    The information is needed for the qualification audit of the medical equipment.

    I´m looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,


  • Joe,

    I worked with some people on the quality team to track this down, and it doesn't look like we have anything like this available for our devices. Within TI we have no specific standards for qualifying parts for use in medical end equipment. For customers who use our parts in an FDA Class III or regional equivalent, we have to work with Sales and the BU to get an approved A&I in place.

    Since we can't provide this testing internally, it would be up to the customer to perform it. Or if there is a certification process the customer knows of, please let us know.


  • Hi Eric,

    thanks for looking into this.

    We are not looking for some medical specific certification. A generic information in what environmental conditions our datasheet parameters are valid would help here. Is this something we can provide?



  • Joe,

    I'm working with a few teams to see if we have any data supporting these requirements. The teams don't think this barometric conditions will be a problem, but we'd like to see if there anything supporting that claim.
