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TPD6S300A: Pin impedance change after short-to-VBUS test

Part Number: TPD6S300A



We’re performing a short-to-VBUS test with test steps as below.

  1. Measure the impedance of each pin on type-c connector to GND in the beginning.
  2. Connect a PD adapter to this type-c port through a breakout board with a valid PD contract.
  3. Utilizing the breakout board, it allows us to short VBUS to each of these pins one-by-one.
  4. After the short-to-VBUS test is executed, remove the PD adapter.
  5. Measure the impedance of each pin on type-c connector to GND compared to the result from step-1.

We found the impedance @ CC2 (pin B5) is changed from ~400kohm to ~50kohm, while there’s no obvious change from the other pins. Since CC2 is directly connected to TPD6S300A, we’d like to know if such impedance value @ 40kohm is a normal value to TPD6S300A or not.




  • Hi Antony,

    Are you testing in dead battery condition? I am wondering if dead battery resistance is playing a role in the change of impedance. I would not expect the impedance of this pin to change during this test. Can you also check if FLT is active?

