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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DIX9211, DIT4096, DIT4192

Hello colleagues.

It is necessary to develop an audio extractor from the HDMI stream to the SPDIF format.

Please advise the TI ICS for its implementation.

Best wishes and best regards! 
Alexandr Dultsev.
  • Hi Alexandr,

    Thank you for your question. Many of our engineers are taking vacation due to the Christmas holiday in the US. Once they return from the holiday, they will address your question. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes. 

  • Hello,

    At the time of this posting to our team's knowledge TI does not offer a single-chip HDMI-to-SPDIF converter.  Most of our available Audio ICs are intended for S/PDIF to I2S/LJ/RJ or vice versa.  If you can get the data into a standard Audio Serial Interface format, check out the DIT4096, DIT4192, or DIX9211.