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DS110DF410: setting of register 0x00

Part Number: DS110DF410

Dear Technical Support Team,


According to the App Note(SNLA323),

the procedure  is describe  for writing 0x04 to register 0x00 and returning the register status to the default before setting the equalizer / retimer of Channel resister.

What is the state of this IC when the equalizer / retimer is set without writing 0x04 to 0x00?

Will it be in a state where we cannot guarantee even if it behaves unexpectedly?


When setting the equalizer / retimer, is it desirable to perform the setting while a valid signal is being received by the RX?
If the equalizer / retimer is set without receiving a valid signal, will it be impossible to guarantee even if the operation is unexpected?

Best Regards,


  • Hi ttd,

    1) The state of the IC without writing 0x04 to 0x00 is dependent on what operations have occurred to it while powered up.  If settings have been applied after power up, then some of these settings would be reflected in the channel registers.  Upon power up, we can assume that all channel registers are at their default values.  However, it is still valuable to write 0x04 to register 0x00 as a precautionary step to help ensure the repeatability of a programming sequence.

    2) It is not necessary to configure the retimer while a valid signal is present.  However, once the retimer is configured and a valid signal is received by RX, it is recommended to assert and then release the CDR reset.  This will enable the retimer to lock and adapt to a valid signal.


    Drew Miller

    HSSC Applications Engineer