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TCA4311A: about cascade application for TCA4311A

Part Number: TCA4311A

Hi dear supporting team,

is TCA4311A support cascade application? if yes, how to do cascade application for TCA4311A? tks a lot!

  • It is possible to connect two TCA4311A back-to-back, as shown in figure 14 of the datasheet.
  • Hi Vera,

    I can confirm this as well. Note that the device introduces a ~100 mV offset from its input to its output, so when cascading multiple buffers in series each will add a new offset. You should make sure the final voltage received at the end of the chain of buffers can still be low enough to be detected as a logic "low" (i.e., that it is below the VIL of the I2C devices on that bus segment).
