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TUSB1002A: Jitter configuration for SI simulation

Part Number: TUSB1002A


I'm using TUSB1002A as USB3.0 redriver. I'm performing pre-layout SI analysis in Hyperlynx to determine if it is suitable for our application. I'm using IBIS-AMI model given by TI. Datasheet page 9 has deterministic jitter at 0.05UI. 

1. Do I need to add this value during IBIS-AMI simulation? or does the model generate stimulus considering this jitter value?

2. Which property in the AMI model exactly models jitter values? Is it GetWave? 


  • Hi Rahul,

    1. The IBIS-AMI model does include some forms of deterministic jitter (mainly from ISI). You should not need to add additional jitter unless you want to consider random jitter as well. 

    2. GetWave can be thought of as the segment of the simulation where the TX or RX EQ is applied to the input waveform. Other jitter specifics are captured in the .dll extension of the IBIS-AMI model. The jitter is then measured from the waveform by the simulation tool your using based on a recovered clock or external clock.