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DS90UB913A-Q1: Compatibility between FPD III Link devices

Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB914A-Q1, DS90UB936-Q1

We have our proprietary system with DS90UB913A-Q1 serializer and we want to drive an FPD III Link display with it. We found one which is declared to work with DRA76x/DRA77xP/TDA2Px-ACD CPU board. From this I conclude that this display has deserializer which is intended to work with DS90UH921Q (this is the serializer used by this CPU board) .

My question is, therefore, would it be correct to say that our board with DS90UB913A-Q1 cannot drive this display?

  • Hello Yan,

    If the display uses a deserializer which pairs with 921, then it can not pair with 913A. 

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks Casey

    Do you have any information about fpd III link deserializers used in automotive? Which are most widely used? If we aim to have our fpd III link output to be compatible with automotive industry standard, which serializer should we use?


  • Hello Yan,

    All FPD-Link III devices are automotive qualified, so they would be suitable for automotive applications. The question of which specific devices depends on the data interfaces required for the system on each side of the link. For example, HDMI, CSI-2, DSI, OLDI, etc. 

    If you provide details on the desired system topology with a block diagram, then we can suggest suitable devices to fit the requirement 

    Best Regards,


  • The thing is that we are making our proprietary camera module (you can see more here: ). We will drive our image out via fpd III link in a monochrome raw data format. We aim to be connected to the main vehicle processing board, without knowing in advance what exactly is there. So I am trying sort of guess which serializer to use so we will have a best chance to match the deserializer...

    By the way, I would be glad to continue the discussion via email as we can get into further details...

  • Hello Yan,

    Typically for this type of camera data application, the SoC interface to receive the data would be DVP (parallel) or CSI-2. You could utilize either DS90UB914A-Q1 or DS90UB936-Q1 for example to deserialize the camera data to DVP or CSI-2 respectively on the other end. 913A is also compatible with 934, 954, 960, 964, and 962 products. Hope that helps!

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks a lot, this helps indeed. One more question if I may, is there somewhere a full compatibility matrix for TI FPD III Link serializers & deserializers? For example, the data sheet of 913A does not mention compatibility with 934, 954 and the rest you've mentioned, probably because 913A is an older device....

  • Hello Yan,

    Here is a compatibility matrix for you:

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks a lot, pleasure to work with you. That's how professional support should look like! Have a great day!