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TUSB8042A: EEPROM programming tool

Part Number: TUSB8042A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB8042,

Hi team 

We  are using TUSB8042 can we have eeprom programming tool along with documentation.

How  we can program EEPROM during production? 

  • HI,

    Please accept my friend request and I can send it to you over DM. I recommend using this tool to program your EEPROM then a use some external I2C Master to read EEPROM and generate a .bin file. You could use this file to program during production.

  • Hi  Malik 

    Friend request accepted . 

    We  are  making carrier board  for Nvida Jetson Xavier TUSB8042 will be  interfaced directly with the Nvidia ( Running linux) . Now my concern here is how GUI  will  program EEPROM. I am assuming that communication between GUI and  EEPROM will happen over USB and will be  handled by TUSB8042 . Please confirm if  my understanding is correct .

    Since  Nvidia will be running linux can i still program EEPROM using GUI ? Do You  have any utility for linux ?

  • Hi 

    We only have utility for Windows OS. The GUI does program the EEPROM over USB through TUSB8042A. You will need to use an external method for programming EEPROM.