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DP83867IR: Drive capability on LED

Part Number: DP83867IR

LED is connected with LED_x pin on DP83867IR.
Could you please let me know how much current DP83867IR can drive the LED?

Please advise us.

Thanks and best regards,

  • Hi Hattori-san,

    Can you please provide the VDDIO voltage you are supplying in your application? Are you looking to understand what is the maximum current an LED can draw from the LED pins or the typical current consumption of an LED using our suggested strap configuration?


  • Hi,

    My customer is using the following condition.

    VDDIO is 3.3V.  LED is LTST-C190KGKT-MH or LTST-C190KSKT-MH.   Strap configuration is Mode1.  

    How much max current does LED flow?  Also, please let me know the min resistor of current limit.

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Hi Hattori-san,

    I'm sorry for the confusion. Can you help me understand what data you are asking for? I do not have the exact currently sourced by LED_0 in the schematic you provided. I also cannot provide a minimum current limiting resistor value. As the current limiting resistor value decreases, the VOH of the LED_0 pin will decrease as it attempts to source more current.

    Can you help me understand why this information is needed? 


  • Hi, Justin-san,

    Sorry for your confusion.   My question is  "How much current can be passed through the LED pins of the DP83867 on 3.3V I/O?"   Please advise us.

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Hi Hattori-san,

    I cannot provide a maximum current for the LED pins because output voltage of the pin is affected by the current drawn by the application. I've attached a graph of the LED VOH vs. current load of the DP83826 PHY. This data is not available for the DP83867 because it was developed and release much longer ago. As you can see, the PHY can handle 8mA load but the VOH of the pin drops as current increases. 

    Can you please provide the context for why this information is needed? 

