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ISO1541: ISO1541D : Not able to communication

Part Number: ISO1541
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1540, ISO1640, ISO1641


. Side1: VCC1-3.3V , GND1 -GND 

. Side2: VCC2-5V , GND2 -PGND 

  check with the schematic diagram, we are not able to communicate two devices via ISO1541 

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    There are a few points I would like to make regarding the information you have provided:

    1. In the schematic, it looks like there is a decoupling 0.1uF capacitor between VCC1 and GND1, which is great. However, there is no 0.1uF decoupling capacitor on VCC2 side. this is required for the normal operation for the device and we strongly recommend to use the decoupling capacitor for VCC2 side.
    2. If you are using clock stretching for this system, please consider ISO1540 isolator as the ISO1541 might not work.
    3. If this system is a new design, please consider using ISO1640 or ISO1641, as this is our latest I2C isolator and is better than the ISO1540/ISO1541 devices

    There are also a few questions I would like to ask:

    1. Can you please explain more regarding the waveform with more detail? Since there are no labels or explanation of the waveform, I am not able to understand it.
    2. What device is connected to Side 1 of the ISO1541? We would like to check the compatibility of the signals, so a part number of this device would be helpful

    Aaditya Vittal

  • Thank you for the replay,

    as for your review, I will add the 0.1Uf on the side also then I will try 

     I am using isolation I2C for the SM BUS commutation. with STM32F104 and the side1, I am connecting to the STM and Side2 connecting SMBUS device.

     whatever the given wave is for is Side2, in Side I made a master to request data from the 02 address, The STM I set is 02 address but I am not getting any replay for the STM model, without ISO1541 it's working fine.

  • Hello Gopal, 

    Thank you for the additional details, I do not see any with the connections you mentioned. 

    Please add the 0.1uF capacitor since it is required for normal operation. Let us know if the problem continues. 
