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SN74LV8154: 64 bit counter for 10MHz clock

Part Number: SN74LV8154
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74HC590A, CD74HC4017

At the moment I'm using 3 of these devices to get a 64 bit counter where device 1 counter A rolls over to device 2 counter A then to device 3 counter A then B leaving 2 16 bit counters unused because if one device is configured as a 32 bit counter it cant be rolled over to another so I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way of achieving a 64 bit counter since there are no 64 bit counters I can find that will work at 10MHz.

Here is a picture of my project:

  • Using plain counters (74xx40x0) would require more chips.

    Nowadays, this is solved with a microcontroller.

  • I'm using a Picaxe 40X2 at 64MHz in the picture to the right, what microcontroller can count as reliably as a logic counter at 10MHz with 64 bit precision while at the same time being able to send the value over a serial connection?

  • Hi David,

    We don't really have that large of a portfolio when it comes to counters. Most modern systems that might need one also have either an FPGA or a high-power MCU that can handle the counting function -- so we don't get much demand for them.

    You could combine two chips -- one dedicated counter and one low-cost MCU. The first would handle the higher speed input, while the second would keep track of the higher digits. At 10 MHz, the output of an 8-bit counter like SN74HC590A is going to be switching at ~40 kHz (even slower if you use one of your 16-bit counters), which should be easy enough for any 16 MHz MCU to handle, even given other tasks.

  • If I connect the Y bus of all counters in parallel to the same 8 pins of a microcontroller and have all register selection pins connected separately it would requite less pins on the microcontroller but would there be a risk of the Y outputs on the counters damaging each other or would it just not work well?

  • As shown in table 2, when all gate inputs are inactive, the Y output are Hi-Z. So you can connect them together as long as you access only one chip at the same time.

  • I'm looking at how I could replace the microcontroller with purely logic components which synthesize a serial output just out of scientific curiosity but I'm having trouble with component selection, these components appear identical for instance: CD74HC165 CD74HC166 how do I tell the difference between such similar items with a slightly different model number?

  • By comparing the datasheets. The '165 has an inverted output in addition to the normal output, while the '166 has a clear input. And the pinouts are different. [edited]

  • Surely because the triangles on the inputs of the 165 don't have a circle means they aren't inverting?

  • Hi David,

    The inputs of the '165 are not inverted -- there is an inverted output available for the '165 (Q\_H), but it does not include a 'master reset' input.

    165 FBD:


    The '166 has a clear (or "master reset") input, MR\, but it does not include an inverted output.

    166 FBD:

    I find the function tables easier to compare (165 on left):

  • I misread Celemens reply.

  • Hey David,

    I read it the same way when I first saw his response -- I figured just clarifying would help.

  • Thanks for the assistance, if I want the serial output to be inverted but idle low (binary 1) is there a shift register that would do that or would I need additional logic to do it?

  • I'm not sure what you mean by idle -- the output will be based on the data stored in the register at all times (except at startup, when it will be 'unknown').

  • When the parallel enable pin of the shift register goes high the serial output transmits the bits then goes low correct?

  • A shift register is "dumb" so to speak -- it just outputs whatever is in the registers. Each clock pulse advances the values in the registers.

  • If I want to turn a CD74HC4017 into an 8 bit ring counter can I connect the pin for bit 8 (pin 9) to the reset pin?

  • Since the MR input is asynchronous that should work, but you'll end up with an extra delay on the 8 -> 0 transition because of the time it takes for 9 to turn on and activate MR. For slower systems I wouldn't see it as a problem, but if you're trying to run at 10 MHz (100ns period), that might be a significant problem. Prop delay from CP to the output is about 50ns max, and for MR to the output it's another 50ns, so you'd lose up to a whole period.

  • Actually in this use case the serial clock would likely be 1MHz and this component one tenth of that for selecting the 8 bit registers with an added stop bit and 1 clock delay so 100KHz.

  • Hi David,

    It seems that you don't really like any of our answers so we can't close out this thread -- and you keep asking unrelated questions to the original thread. Is there something I can do to resolve this so we can close it?

  • I'm sorry it got off track I had another idea but I do need to ask seemingly random questions and you are helping, would you rather I go somewhere else?

  • To be able to track the status of customers' problem, separate questions should be put into separate threads, and be marked as answered when they are answered.

  • Hey David,

    While this forum is similar to others online, I believe it's the only one that's staffed entirely by engineers that are experts on our particular parts -- for example, I have been the world wide expert for TI on the logic portfolio for about 7 years now. Answering questions here is a big part of my job, however I handle a lot of others things internally as well for the logic product line.

    My apologies if I implied that you shouldn't be getting help from us - that was not my intent. I'm happy to help - like Clemens said though, we like to keep one question (or set of questions pertaining to a single device) within one single thread, and then mark it resolved when it is completed. 

    I should have mentioned this earlier in the thread, but your questions seemed somewhat related and I was ok with keeping the thread together - but it feels like this thread is getting very long with no resolution in sight. It's better if we can have each thread focus on one particular part / issue so that we can have a result for future engineers to find if they have the same question.

    When you label something as "not resolved" it remains open in our system and is basically a negative mark against us. I wouldn't want you to mark something resolved unless you felt it was - but I want to do everything I can to get these questions answered. Sometimes the resolution is that we don't have a solution though -- not always something our customers will agree with, but there isn't much I can do about that.

  • As there is no clear answer to my question I selected the closest one.

  • Thanks David.

    If you have a question that's related, please use the "+ Ask a related question" button at the top of this thread and it will link back automatically. If it's regarding a different device entirely, I'd say to just make a new thread using that part #.