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SN74LV08A: SN74LV08A is showing 0.6V at output with VCC=0V and output connected to 3.3V

Part Number: SN74LV08A


I am using SN74LV08 in a design as follows

Kindly note that U15.PBRST is an input having internal PU of 40K to 5V rail.

Initially, 5V rail is powered, but 3.3V comes after a 10sec. delay. During this time, I am seeing a 0.6V at U14 pin#6 (output of AND gate). instead of expected 3.3V.

Kindly let me know the fault with this circuit?


Thomas Joseph

  • Hi Thomas,

    Could you probe that node with a multimeter to find the resistance between that node to VCC and GND and post the results? Also, do you have a board layout that you could post for this?

    Also, do any of the other AND gates have unexpected outputs during this time?

