Hi everybody,
We can see in datasheet that at VCC=6V, vil max=1.8 and vih min=4.2?
Does it mean working with all inputs @ either vil max or vih min is allowed?
We can see Texas documents as SZZA036B telling about vil that:
"The nondata inputs (e.g., direction, clear, enable, and preset) may be considered unused inputs and may not be at threshold conditions."
So all inputs @ either vil max or vih min is not allowed?
Or we can see another Texas documents scda011 about the nocive excess current consumption when input level are at vil max or vih min.
So I imagine it is not recommended to work at this vil max and vih min level on all input pins at once.
So my question is: according to datasheet about vil max and vih min, is it allowable to apply these level on all input at once or not?
Thank you for those who have time to think about and answer