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TXB0108: TXB0108PWR

Part Number: TXB0108


In datasheet of Bidirectional level translator part# TXB0108PWR, page no. 18 it has been mentioned 

Information: VCCA supply in my board which is 3.3V takes 3 msec (Rise time  = 3msec) to get stable, refer image below.

Query: Can you please provide any reference design using discrete by which i can control OE Pin effectively as per requirement in datasheet i.e. OE Pin should sense 3.3V after VCCA 3.3V gets stable  ?

Also please provide Pull down resistor calculations ?

Circuit for your reference which needs modification to control OE Pin

  • The datasheet says that if the outputs must be in the high-impedance state during power up, then you need a pull-down resistor (and your microcontroller needs to pull the line up when it is ready).

    If the outputs do not need to be in the high-impedance state during power up, then you can connect OE directly to VCC.

  • Thank you Clemens for clarification regarding OE pin.

    Having another query regarding Pull-ups in DATA I/O Lines.

    Query 2: In previous design there were no Level translator but DATA I/O Lines were having 10K Pull-up in old design already  (refer image below) however in new design since i am introducing TXB0108PWR so i have changed existing Pull-Up from 10K to 100K because datasheet mentioned the same to use above 50K if really required. Can you please confirm if this is good enough ?

    Query 3: Can you please let me know Drive strength of this part ? in datasheet it just mentioned low. Please help to get value 

  • Hi Puspam,

    Query 2: In previous design there were no Level translator but DATA I/O Lines were having 10K Pull-up in old design already  (refer image below) however in new design since i am introducing TXB0108PWR so i have changed existing Pull-Up from 10K to 100K because datasheet mentioned the same to use above 50K if really required. Can you please confirm if this is good enough ?

    Yes- 100kohms are sufficient values to not contend with the internal 4k series driver.

    Query 3: Can you please let me know Drive strength of this part ? in datasheet it just mentioned low. Please help to get value 

    The drive strength is 20uA maximum. It is designed this way to allow for auto-bidirectionality feature.



  • 2. 100 kΩ is OK in theory, but what is their purpose? The TXB's outputs are stronger; if a signal is low, it will stay low.

    3. 20 µA

  • Hi Jack,

    Thanks for your response. Since drive strength is very less 20uA maximum will it able to drive Input Pins of NXP make Microcontroller MPC555 connected at B Port of level translator and A port which is connected to Xilinx make FPGA Spartan 7 ?



  • Hi Clemens,

    Thanks for your response. Since drive strength is very less 20uA maximum will it able to drive Input Pins of NXP make Microcontroller MPC555 connected at B Port of level translator and A port which is connected to Xilinx make FPGA Spartan 7 ?



  • The TXB is able to drive CMOS inputs.

  • 'A' port of TXB  is connected to Xilinx make FPGA Spartan 7 which is configured as LVTTL I/Os.

    Can you please suggest if TXB is able to drive LVTTL I/Os ?

  • These devices have CMOS inputs. ("LVTTL" describes the voltage levels.)

  • Thank you for these clarifications. I think my design is good to go Slight smile