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SN74LVC1G125: Quality comparison to 1P1G126QDBVRQ1

Part Number: SN74LVC1G125


I am looking for quality or reliability information of a part (CLVC1G125QDBVRQ1) that we are looking to be a drop-in replacement for the 1P1G126QDBVRQ1 tri-state buffer in the SOT-23 package. I originally submitted a quality support request, but was told to post this here for better information.

We are most interested in the similarities between the two parts with respect to manufacturing quality and die characteristics. Are both of these devices created from the same (or a similar) wafer to create a similar die? Are they rated for approximately the same environments?

Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions about the request. I'd be happy to discuss this further if needed.