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SN74AXC2T245-Q1: Voltage Translation Data Rate (+1.2V to +0.9V)

Part Number: SN74AXC2T245-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC2T45-Q1

I'm using the SN74AXC2T45-Q1 to translate from +1.2V to +0.9V (B to A direction) and I would like to operate at 125 Mbps.  I have been able to operate at 25 Mbps.  For the +1.2V to +0.9V translation is it possible to operate at 125 Mbps?  The data sheet indicates 380 Mbps operation when translating from +1.8V to +3.3V.

  • Hi David,

    Thanks for reaching out. It would seem your concern seems to be a duplicate of SN74AXC8T245-Q1: SN74AXC8T245-Q1.

    If so, could you please help confirm if working with Barton Tung's team as we have further clarified offline with additional solutions? I.e the device in question will not be able to support 125 MHz at 0.9 V.

    However, further note that data rate depends on the system designers tolerance for various parameters, so will generally need to be tested in the specific application environment for the clearest understanding of signal integrity thanks.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Michael,

    I'm not working with Barton Tung's team and I do not know him so he must be with a different company with a similar question.  If the voltage translation is in the other direction from +0.9V to +1.2V is 125 MHz supported?


  • Hi David,

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Yes it could work. However, you would have to decide what tolerance levels for your system's parameters.

    For example - with 1.2 V outputs, how much VOL would be considered okay for your system i.e similar to his complaint showing VOL of 0.5 V, thanks.

    Best Regards,
