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SN74LVC1G125: SN74LVC1G125DSFR date code

Part Number: SN74LVC1G125

hi Support,

how do I read the date code for this part?

best rgds,


  • Hi Felix,

    While I can't reveal how we do our top markings to avoid giving too much information to counterfeiters.

    I can can reveal that this part is marked as 2nd Quarter 2014.



  • hi Owen,

    But the label on the box shows DC is 2219, I believed this means 2022 weeks19. Why there is a mismatch? Possible to share the DC definition to me, i had send you a friend request, we can chat privately. 

    Best regards,Felix

  • Hi Felix,

    You are correct it seems I had read the device markings wrong.

    This device is marked with 2Q 2022 which would line up with the date code on the box.

    That being said we still can't disclose how we do our part markings with anyone external to TI regardless of if it's in the public forum or in private chats.

