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LSF0102: How to use the the EN pin of LSF0102?

Part Number: LSF0102


How to use the EN of LSF0102.

In your video, you recommend to diver the EN pin directly with an open drain driver without a pullup.

In the datasheet, however, the typical application is as below. 


It looks TI also recommend  to connect a 3.3V enable signal to Vref_B&EN pin through the 200K resistor to control the part . Any requirement on this 3.3V signal? Does a normal  LVCMOS33 driver work?

I'm not sure whether my understanding is correct or not.  Please clarify which way is correct? Or both?

  • These are two different, valid methods to control the EN pin.

    For the second one, any 3.3 V logic signal will work.

  • Hi Xuming,

    The configuration shown in the video can be used in case that the EN needs to be driven low, in which an open-drain driver may be used (note push-pull drivers should not be used here). This is useful if customer requires I/Os in a high-Z state for any reason. If not of interest, customer may follow default setup by shorting VREFB to EN pin and pulled up through the 200kohm bias resistor to the B-side voltage. 

    As Clemens' mentioned, any 3.3V logic signal will work here. 

