I am currently designing the timing for a circuit using the TXS0108E.
The circuit accesses MRAM from an FPGA via the TXS0108E.
The power supply voltage for the TXS0108E is VCCA=1.8V, VCCB=3.3V.
After checking the TXS0108E datasheet, I have the following two questions.
Please answer them.
Q1. About tW Pulse duration
The datasheet specifies the minimum pulse duration for the data input port.
If the input port signal has the minimum pulse duration, is the output port signal guaranteed to have the same pulse duration?
For example, in chapter 5.7 of the datasheet, when VCCA=1.8V, VCCB=3.3V, and a 15.3ns pulse is input to the push-pull data input, will the pulse width of the output port also be 15.3ns?
Q2. About Rise time/Fall time
In Figure 6-5 of the datasheet, tr and tf refer to the output waveform.
On the other hand, in the Switching Characteristics table in Chapter 5.11, trA, trB, tfA, and tfB are written as the input rise/fall times.
Do the rise/fall times in Figure 6-5 and Chapter 5.11 refer to different things?
Or is one of the descriptions incorrect?
Also, if the description in Chapter 5.11 is correct, do the rise/fall times of the input signal have to be within the minimum and maximum ranges?
Thank you in advance.