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I am having an unusual issue with this CMOS CD40106B Schmitt inverter. I am having several pieces fail in the same failure mode. Out of 6 inverters in this package the same gate fails in the same manner. If I have a 15VDC high or 0V low, the output is as it should be, the opposite state. If I put a pulsed waveform on the input, specifically +15V going to 0V for 1 millisecond with a repetition of 100Hz, my output at pin 10 is always low. These failures do not happen immediately, but are customer product returns. What could possibly be causing this failure mode?

  • Hi Gregory ,

    what is the 15 to 0V in 1ms mean ? could you give us more information with schematics and scope shots if available ?
    what is the Vcc at and what is sequence of power up ? what does 'failures not happen immediately' suggest ? trying in another part fixes the issue and replacing old part into working board makes it stop working ?
  • I have scope pictures, but don't know how to attach them. The Vcc is at 15 VDC. The failures not happening immediately means that the circuit functions normally during our production testing, but fails in the field after only a few months. There is no common thread among customer failures; that is, no unusual circumstances at their sites. This one particular inverter gate is the only failure.