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SN74AHC595: the difference of SN74AHC595 and SN74AHCT595

Part Number: SN74AHC595
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AHCT595


There are two types of devices  SN74AHC595 and SN74AHCT595.

Can anyone explain the difference of these two devices?

I'm reviewing datasheets, and cannot find anything until now.



  • Hi TS,

    The 'T' in SN74AHCT595 indicates that the inputs are 'TTL compatible' -- which basically just means that you can input anything >= 2V for a 'high' input, or <= 0.8V for a 'low' input.

    The SN74AHC595 has standard CMOS inputs.  Note that the CMOS inputs require at least 3.85V for a 'high' input voltage and <= 1.65V for a 'low' input. (assuming a VCC = 5.5V)