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CD74HC08: failure modes

Part Number: CD74HC08

Hi everyone.

In the framework of one of our company project, we are looking for information about the component CD74HC08M and  its failure modes.
We are interested in verifying that a failure that occurs in one of the four gates has no consequence on the other three gates; for example, if one the output is stuck high due to an internal short circuit, also other outputs will be stuck high?

thankyou in advance for your help

  • Hi Alberto,

    This will depend on the type of failure. If there is a catastrophic overvoltage, for example, the entire device can be destroyed. If there is an ESD event, multiple gates could be affected as well.

    In my experience, semiconductors fail as short circuits until they use enough power to burn up and become open circuits. If the power is limited, the short can remain indefinitely.

    I'm not sure if this answers your question, but each gate is independent in the device. They share the same source of power and ground, but the FETs are unique. If a failure were to occur, it would most likely only affect one gate.

    TI doesn't guarantee any type of operation in a failure mode, but this is just my experience talking.