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TXB0104: need to ground OE pin?

Part Number: TXB0104


I am using TXB0104_breakout board from adafruit . I am using this module to interface BNO055 Breakout board(works on logic 5v) to 410c Dragon board(works on logic 1.8v) using I2C Interface (i2c0 on LE Expansion connector of dragon board 410c).

Here is connection diagram:

But i am getting error as ARB_LOST arbitration lost and some times NACK: slave not responding.

I think there is some issue with the level sifting .As my dragon board as I2C master is not able to control/read the SDA  line.

There is OE pin on TXB0104 breakout board its by default tied to VccA( In my case 1.8). Do i need to ground it through some pull-down resistor? what is the use of OE pin?

  • OE must be high for the translator to work.

    The problem is not the OE but the TXB. For I²C, you must use a translator that can handle open-drain signals, e.g., TXS0104E. (Adafruit makes a board from discrete components instead, but I²C doesn't need high speeds.)